UK-Japan Hikikomori Research Workshop 2024


Hikikomori, a form of pathological social withdrawal, has been highlighted in Japan since the 1990s, and the hikikomori phenomenon is now spreading all over the world. Furthermore, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has increased concerns related to hikikomori. In the UK and Japan, the ministers in charge of “loneliness” have been created, and the issue of social isolation is beginning to be addressed as a national policy.
Now is the time to discuss how the potentials of technologies such as AI robots and Metaverse can lead us to new types of intervention for hikikomori.
We had UK-Japan Hikikomori Research Workshop on June 10, 2024. The workshop was held in mixed mode both in presence and via zoom.
During our workshop, experts in various fields from UK and Japan gathered to discuss these topics. Professor Jennifer Lau, Queen Mary University of London, talked about loneliness and social withdrawal as the special lecture.

The details are as following link.